Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The trouble with a 2mbit dsl or even a 6mbit

The trouble with a 2mbit dsl or even a 6mbit which is what adsl2 is not a limitation with the lastmile but the bandwidth upstream will not be able to cope with the fat pipe to our houses. That’s where the bottle neck is. Now its a different issue that Airtel has been smart with a 256k up and down and tried to get indian content and indian shares to satisfy most of their p2p traffic bandwidth, effectively reducing the international bandwidth. BSNL can techically give you and me a 8mbit line today but how does the help if the exchange has a total of 2mbits feeding in ? or the whole city has 8mbits ? that’s what we need to deal with. Unlike US and Europe which sit on lots of .com bust pipes and unlit fibre which will be enough for decades if not centuries we have to build more fibre and bandwidth. It will happen buit it will take time. Korea is too small to be considered a good exampe. So is japan.
Though i don’t belong to the telcos, I was equally upset with the non availability of a 8mbit pipe to my house. But a little bit of serious thought let me to this inevitable conclusion.


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