Friday, September 30, 2005

IRC on Sify Broadband

Damn I called sify people. Here's the convo:
Me: I can't upload on IRC.
CC: Which website sir?
Me: Do you know what IRC is?
CC: No sir! Will you hold on for a minute while I look up the information.
-after 2 minutes of blaring ear deafening noise they call hold music:
CC: What is the size of file you are trying to upload?
Me: 150 KB.
CC: Can you hold for a minute?
-after 2 minutes of blaring ear deafening noise they call hold music:
CC: Are you uploading from sify site or are you uploading from yahoo site?
Me: I'm not talking about websites man, I'm talking about IRC.
CC: I understand sir but you have to tell me whether you are uploading from sify site or yahoo site.
Me: Listen IRC is a protocol.
CC: I know it's a protocol.
Me: I can upload on ftp but I can't upload on IRC.
CC: Is your internet working fine?
Me: Yes.
CC: That's what we are concerned with sir. For IRC you'll have to call a local hardware engineer.
Me: Have you blocked any ports?
CC: Ports? No (sounding unsure).
Me: Okay thanks.

Sify, BSNL and Broadband in India

Sify are a bunch of malformed losers. Even the people they outsource their marketing to are misinformed. They call up and say “our 256Kbps line will give you 256 Kbps downloads” I go like, do you understand my question about realistic downloads speeds I can expect about compressed files? He goes like, “Yes sir, my senior has assured me that you will get 256Kbps". This prick actually started asking me what my “experience” was when i told him this was not possible. Retards, I tell you, stay away from such idiots. BSNL offers zero support, but they don’t make a stance of “We are CCISP’s". The guys honestly tell you they dunno stuff, and I for one don’t care, I don’t need their support. But I can see how that might be an issue for new users. Point is, they don’t take the liberty of blocking any service for me, that’s like giving me a car and saying the keys to dash are only for corporate customers. Whoever decided that policy in Sify with regards to NNTP needs to go back to school, maybe get out of the house (read south india) more, and understand what ISP’s are supposed to do.

If there is one thing I cannot stand more than ignorance is the pretence of being educated.